Saturday, June 30, 2007

Mission Accomplished!

I want to improve as a writer and so I have vowed to write something, anything, every day. A lot of that you see here, but I'm also working in a novel, a screenplay or two, an idea for a comic strip, a couple of short stories, some round-robin writing and an article or three. But I have been using this forum mainly to condition myself to set writing goals and stick with them. The first couple of months this year I set the goal of averaging a new post here every day. I failed at that goal, but rather than cut back I upped the goal to averaging two posts a day. I hit that goal March, April and May.

For June I upped it again; my new goal was to average three posts a day. It seemed crazy, but here it is, June 30 and this is my 91st posting of the month. Sure, some of them hardly qualify as writing (some may say that is true about all of them), but they all take time to put together and edit, etc., and hey, it's my goal; I get to say what qualifies and what doesn't.

So I say my mission this month has been accomplished. I'm not sure I will keep the goal so high for next month. I do have a life after all.

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