Monday, July 02, 2007

When it says "Libby Libby Libby" on the Cell, Cell, Cell...

...he will serve his rightful sentence, when it is freezing in hell, hell, hell!

Now try not to do a spit-take; these are they guys who promised to "bring morality back to the White House." The part they left off of that sentence was the part when they say, "Just like in the days of Richard Nixon!"

Actually, in Nixon's days they would never have flaunted the law this much. Halderman, Erlichman and all the rest did their time. President Shit-For-Brains has proven once again that that he and his cronies are above the law and fuck anyone who thinks differently. Legally Shit-For-Brains can do this, but by doing it before a single day is served, he is obstructing justice and that he is not allowed to do. This is a sickening day for justice in America. Shame to this entire administration and anyone who voted for them

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