Sunday, April 08, 2007

Secrets, Loyalty and the Truth

Over on Mark Evanier's blog he is wondering about all the leaks coming out about how poorly Alberto Gonzales is doing prepping for his upcoming appearance before Congress. Evanier wonders why Gonzales can't surround himself with aides who can keep a secret.

That might be a good question, though I think it has become abundantly clear that Gonzales is a pretty dim bulb, whose only real claim to fame is keeping Bush's drunk driving arrest out of court proceedings when Bush was governor of Texas and had jury duty. Other than that, Gonzales is just another incompetent, but loyal Bush lackey, given a position of indescribably frightening power simply because he is a faithful as a starving mutt.

My question is much simpler and more to the point: why do you have to spend more than a week prepping to speak to Congress? All you have to do is tell the truth.

Unless of course, you have something to hide.

1 comment:

BlueBleeder said...

No question he has much to hide. Hopefully he will continue to be a loyal dunce, then he will be able to receive a "Great Job, Alby" straight from the boss ass.