Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Devil's Candidate!

Proving once again just what a whore he is, John McCain says he believes in "no gun control" whatsoever. McCain went on to say that he will not spend money campaigning in Hell as he pretty much has that area sown up. The Devil's candidate has now come out in favor of unending war, guns for everyone, death, and of course, the sanctity of the life of fetal organisms as long as they remain inside of a woman. Once they are out, "Fuck 'em" McCain said today while campaigning.

Actually I wouldn't put it past this guy to show up at a campaign stop sometime in the near future with "the blood of a terrorist" dripping from his mouth and "hunks of terrorist flesh" hanging from between his teeth. He is such a pandering sack of shit.

I was wrong, he is not the Devil's candidate; he is the Devil's whore.

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