Sunday, April 01, 2007

No Kumbayah For You!

You can read all about ex-Bush insider Matthew Dowd's escape from the dark side of politics all over the net or, as I first did, in your local paper. Dowd helped burn John Kerry in 2004, assisting in the campaign to label him a "flip-flopper" who could not be trusted, but now finds himself agreeing with Kerry on Iraq and most other issues and no longer agreeing with Bush.

In part Dowd said:

“I’m a big believer that in part what we’re called to do — to me, by God; other people call it karma — is to restore balance when things didn’t turn out the way they should have,” Mr. Dowd said. “Just being quiet is not an option when I was so publicly advocating an election.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if I wasn’t walking around in Africa or South America doing something that was like mission work.”
Sounds good, right? Well Pachacutec at the Huffington Post has a different view of Mr. Dowd, which I have to agree with.

If you want to "restore balance," going off to Africa to sing Kumbayah just isn't going to cut it. You were inside for years, you know the shady things they did and the out and out crimes they have committed. You want balance? Kill the monster you helped to create. Squeal like a pig Mr. Dowd; do it for your country, so that we never have to be subjected to this type of regime again.

Once you've cleansed the mess you helped create here, you can go off and cleanse your soul all you want.

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