Thursday, November 16, 2006

Thinking Inside the Box!

We continue with The Box (see my previous postings for the beginning of the story).

I remember at one point talking to my English teacher about the story as it was progressing. She initiated the talk and wanted to know exactly what I had in mind; she wanted to know what the box was. Hell, I wanted to know too.

I said, "Maybe it contains a weapon." She said, "No."

I said, "How about a kind of space genie?" She said, "No."

I said, "Who is writing this, me or you?" She said, "Even though you are in space, speak of humanity, or don't speak at all. If you want a good grade that is."

So I did my best for being 16.

And of course we have another patented Keller "big shoe" shot. This is no swipe; this was pure me.

This page is also all me. I was reading a lot of Al Williamson at the time and sort of stole the balloons from the style he used on Secret Agent Corrigan.

I obviously drew pretty bad hands. The hand in panel four is pasted over the original hand. I must have planned to do the same for panel five and never got around to it.

This page is swipe-less as well. All me, unfortunately.

Tomorrow we conclude. Isn't it exciting!

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