Thursday, December 28, 2006

Ford On Bush

Much ado is being made about the Woodward interview where Gerald Ford said he completely disagreed with Bush on invading Iraq. However, I have to agree with Mark Evanier here that embargoing it until after his death speaks volumes on Ford's intestinal fortitude. It's too bad Ford didn't have the guts to say it for publication; he might have actually made a difference.

No, Bush would have still invaded, as his party would have lock-stepped us to Armageddon if the "W" had said, "Do it!" but the dialog of dissent would have begun earlier. This may have saved lives in the long run as it would have been very hard for Bush and his party to portray a Republican ex-President as "un-American."

Now it's just a sad sidebar to a man who used to run the country but no longer had the courage to speak of his own convictions.

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