Wednesday, January 17, 2007

24 Hours of Propaganda?

Keith Olbermann brought it up this week and it is actually something I have been wondering for a while now. With each season Fox's 24 has gotten more and more cataclysmic. I think I have a pretty solid head on my shoulders and the show, which features ever increasing terrorist calamities committed against Americans on American soil, doesn't frighten me at all. But is it designed to frighten those who watch it? Is it just another cog in the Fox News as branch of the Republican party form of terrorism against Americans?

The purpose of terrorism is not to kill people but to inspire terror in them. Fear is what they are trying to create and given that definition, is not the Bush administration a terrorist organization? For years they have tried repeatedly to scare people into voting for them. They did it in November and for the first time in a while the country told them to shove it. But they did it none the less. A vote for Democrats has long been compared to a vote for mushroom clouds over America by the Bush people and the biggest support they have had on TV is the misnamed Fox News Network.

Has Fox expanded their aid to Bush through the show 24? Already this season (and it still has 20 hours to go) we have had a mushroom cloud over America and the last show seemed to indicate that the rest of the season will be devoted to four more suitcase nukes. So the question remains, is 24 entertainment or 24 hours of propaganda?

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