Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Death of Habeas Corpus

Today Bush signed into law The Military Commissions Act, which is nothing like what it sounds. First, it gives the US the legal right to torture people at the President's discretion. As bad as this sounds, it is nothing compared to what it does to Habeas Corpus. Habeas Corpus is the thing that keeps you safe from unlawful imprisonment by the government and The Military Commissions Act basically rescinds this protection. Bush now has the powers of a dictator to take any American and imprison them forever without ever accusing them of anything. I wish to god this was a joke, but it's not. Americans just became a whole lot less freer. Keith Olbermann talked about it tonight on his show and a few weeks ago when the bill passed congress.

If you cherish what this country has stood for for hundreds of years, vote out every Republican you can. They are simply rubber-stamping the destruction of your freedoms, one at a time.

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