Saturday, September 23, 2006

My Newest Sticker

What this should really read is "Support the Torture of American Soldiers: Vote Republican," but I can't get it to fit on a bumper sticker. These are the Christian values the Republicans profess to embody? I guess I never read the Bible closely enough.

This administration argues for the rights, the rights to torture people in your name. They argue for this right because come Monday we will find out that they have already tortured people in your name in secret CIA prisons they claimed did not exist but now have admitted to, and they want to desperately cover their evil asses. The terrorist have won; the United States has become a rogue state and those who supported the Texas scum infesting the White House are complicit in their inhumane deeds. They are pure evil and if you support them, you support evil.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for clearing that up, at first I thought the terrorists were the evil ones, killing innocent people and all.

Phew, thank God, err, thank goodness, err, thank YOU that my eyes are open! Now I know it's the people "interrogating" the terrorists that are evil!!!

Man I feel 10x smarter now like I went to Berkely or something. I guess I won't get stuck in Iraq now!

Did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night or something?

-Keller said...

Wow how strong your convictions must be that you would go out on a limb and respond anonymously. You are brave aren't you?

This is not about 'interrogating' as you so naively put it, this is about 'torturing." Maybe you can't fathom the difference between asking someone questions and pouring water down their throat till they are certain you are going to kill them.