Monday, July 23, 2007

Note To Republicans: Time to Flip-Flop Again!

So President Shit-For-Brains' Tom Hagen, Alberto Gonzales says that he wants to repair the image of the Justice Department. The biggest joke of this, and only something a Fox News viewer could have no problems with, is that after adamantly denying in front of congress that there was anything political involved with the firing of US attorneys, after accusing the Democrats of "playing politics" with the notion that there was anything wrong in the Justice Department, this slimy bag of cow droppings has the nerve to say that "he's troubled that politics may have played a part in hiring career federal prosecutors."

Once again, for those keeping track, if you are a Republican, you have to change what you believed to match what is now spewing out of the mouths of this administration, while if you are a Democrat, you can go on believing what you knew to be true from day one. You would think that eventually Republicans would have enough of this constant opinion flip-flopping they must do to keep in line with the scum they elected.

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