Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Dream a Little Dream of... Who?

Over on the Tony board, Dave Potts forwarded a blog by Bob Harris where Bob related that after his doctor had prescribed him some new meds for a summer cold Bob had a dream involving Dick Cheney being his next-door neighbor when he was a teenager. This got me thinking about the strangest dream I ever had...

OK, I wasn't on meds, well it was the 70's so that isn't exactly true, but the most bizarre dream I remember having was one where I was being chased through a post-apocalyptic world of ruin by a frightening unknown apparition sporting a deadly blaster-type ray-gun. I still remember how terrifying it all was as I frantically tried to avoid the death-rays that followed me wherever I went. At one point I was trapped in a dead-end and had to back-track, getting closer to my pursuer than ever before. The figure came around a corner, raised the gun, aimed and fired. I leaped out of the line of fire and scampered away still being Betty White.

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