Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Best Years of His Life?

Bill Dwyre has written a wonderful article for the Los Angeles Times on Andre Agassi. It is a year later, a year since Andre left the tennis court at the US Open to the roar of 23,000. For Agassi, it has been a year well spent.

When I think back through the years to the young, rash, egotistical punk that Agassi first personified on the court, his transformation into this selfless, caring, giving man is all the more impressive. If you have never heard of the Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy and the amazing work it does for underprivileged children, you should read this article. Even if you know of Andre's school, I think there is enough in this story that you might not have known, to make reading it worth your time.

There is no doubt that Andre achieved greatness on the tennis courts of the world, energizing the game like no other in decades. Yet it appears that it will be in a wholly different arena where Andre will prove the measure of a man, and where his best will be put on display. I was a fan of Andre Agassi the tennis player; I'm in awe of Andre Agassi the man.

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