Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Oh, We're All So Worried!

So the big story yesterday and today is...

McCain Lead Obama in New Poll

Oh, I'm so frickin' frightened! NOT!

What are they not telling you, while they ignore every other poll that says Obama is still ahead of McCain? You need to remember, and you heard it here first, all the way back in March, Zogby polls are always wrong. They are like the crap movie reviewers that stay in business because they can always be counted on to love the latest crappy film. Zogby is around to boost news rating with screaming headlines making predictions that turn the latest political contest on its ear, but which will eventually be proven to be wrong. But gosh, the news networks all get a slight bump in ratings for a day or two.

Remember, never ever get yourself worked up over a Zogby poll.

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